In my research, I discovered that Salt Lake City is an amazing city that balances outstanding natural attractions with a densely populated residential urban center. It also suffers from overpopulation, poor air quality and poor water quality. About our competition, I think that in addition to looking for a new space to accommodate so many people in the city, we also can try to develop the natural areas——of course, no one is willing to destroy the natural environment. Salt Lake City Urban Forestry strives to plant 1,000 new trees each year to maintain a healthy thriving urban forest——why not transform the building into a breathing tree?
When building a living tree building, we need to build scaffolding framework.As the plant structure grows stronger, we can gradually remove all vertical elements. And eventually the plant itself will carry the load. At the same time it will develop a canopy of trees, and the space at the top of the building will gradually close down – a technological development as well as a spatial development.
To combine many small monomers into a large organic whole. Greatly reduce time costs. We plant some of them in the ground. Then we put the other plants on the scaffold. And then we graft them so that they become an organic whole. The trees will seek out the place with the most abundant water and nutrients. Because there are limited spaces in the pot, they will actively absorb water from the soil. Over time, they no longer depends on the pots. So the pots no longer need watering and nutrition, and the pots can be removed.
And this space can grow, and if the population grows later and the family needs more space, they can expand further.(For example, when a couple has a baby, by the time the baby is old enough to need its own room, the time tree can almost grow high enough to accommodate a new floor. People can trim tree to get a fit space.)
When people with their houses breathe together, grow together, experience stories together, and interact more with each other, the feeling of home them feel will be very, very strong——a sense of belonging, participation,comfort and security. To give those vagabond people a place that cannot be abandoned. This is home.